The FIET is back to start and share with success of public and shows


On Thursday 14th October, the company La Marabunda and Guillem Albà performed the play ‘Jaleiu’ with a sold-out show.

The Children’s and Young People’s Theatre Fair of the Balearic Islands has once again started and shared this Thursday 14th October in Vilafranca with a good number of activities and audiences, which has meant that most of the shows have been sold out.

The opening show was performed by Guillem Albà with the play ‘Jaleiu’ by the Guillem Albà & La Marabunda Company, a play that got the whole audience off their feet and made the people of Vilafranca, who filled the town’s sports centre, vibrate and smile. This work has received the Fira Tàrrega Public Prize, the Igualada Public Prize and the Fira de Titelles de Lleida Public Prize.

The FIET is back in its usual format, and will be held until Sunday 17th October in Vilafranca de Bonany, bringing back the street shows, and with a good commitment to indoor shows that will fill Vilafranca with good theatre, families and a great desire to learn and enjoy an exhaustive selection of plays.

Street performances

As is logical, this year’s format is adapted to the current health circumstances, which means that there will be no travelling shows, although there will be 9 shows in different public spaces in Vilafranca, in the open air, with prior reservation of seats and free of charge.

Sa Xerxa The Children's and Young People's Theatre Fair of the Balearic Islands has once again started and shared this Thursday 14th October in Vilafranca with a good number of activities and audiences, which has meant that most of the shows have been sold out.
PHOTO: Villegas Photo

The Professional Days are also back

FIET is already welcoming performing arts professionals, companies and programmers from the Balearic Islands, Spain and abroad to Vilafranca. Until Sunday, everyone can enjoy a unique offer specifically aimed at family audiences.

Sa Xerxa The Children's and Young People's Theatre Fair of the Balearic Islands has once again started and shared this Thursday 14th October in Vilafranca with a good number of activities and audiences, which has meant that most of the shows have been sold out.

The theatrical offer, selected with criteria of quality and innovation, includes contemporary dance, object and documentary theatre, magic, musical installations, circus, trap and many other genres that will be enjoyed by children and adults alike.

In total, some forty shows will be performed by thirty-eight leading companies in the world of the performing arts. Eighteen of them from kilometre zero, from the Balearic Islands; eleven from Catalonia, four from the Basque Country, three from the Valencian Community, one from Murcia and one from Galicia.

The FIET is organised by Sa Xerxa de Teatro Infantil y Juvenil de Baleares with the support of the Town Council of Vilafranca; the COFAE; the Ministry of Culture; the Department of European Funds, University and Culture; the Institute of Balearic Studies and the Department of Culture, Heritage and Linguistic Policy of the Consell de Mallorca.


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