Titoieta Ràdio awards the XXX Santa Anneta Award to Sa Xerxa.


The Algaida Cultural Center, the promoter of Titoieta Radio, has decided to award the XXX Santa Anneta Award to Sa Xerxa for her contribution to spreading the Catalan language and culture among the youngest.

With this distinction, the work carried out from Sa Xerxa to structure and promote the theater offer for children and young people in all the Islands is valued.

The association began its work 20 years ago, in 2003. One of its projects is the FIET, Children’s and Youth Theater Fair of the Balearic Islands, which is held in Vilafranca and has become one of the reference fairs for the arts performances for children and young people.

Other projects of the entity are the Formentera Showcase, the Barruguet Family Theater Festival in Santa Eulalia del Río or the Theater Festival for Fiets and Fietes in Maó. Sa Xerxa also promotes theatrical creation with calls such as the Guillem d’Efak Award for children’s and youth theater texts and the BÒTIL competition for theater and literature productions.

His work has been recognized with the National Award for Performing Arts for Children and Youth 2022 and the Siurell de Plata 2022.

With the Santa Anneta Award, Titoieta Ràdio wants to highlight the work carried out by Sa Xerxa to spread a quality culture among children and young people, ensuring that the shows reach all corners of our islands and at the same time promoting the cultural industry of Balearics.

The prize will be awarded on Wednesday, July 26, the feast of Santa Ana, at 8:00 p.m. at the Pere Capellà de Algaida manor house and will feature a musical performance by Marga Ramis.

In previous editions, the following have been awarded with the Santa Anneta: Biel Majoral, Miquel Cardell, El Tiempo, ACIC, the Cossiers de Algaida, the AZUL record company, the film El Mar, the GOB, Aula Cultural, the Voltor Association, VilaWeb, the Alcover Project, TVE in the Balearic Islands, Cucorba, the Foreign Press Association of Mallorca, the Trenta-1 Association, the Enderrock editorial group, the workers of RTV in Mallorca, Acorar, Editorial Moll, the Crida Platform, the newspapers ARA, Unió from Pagesos de Mallorca, Tomeu Penya, Miquel Brunet, Young People from Mallorca for Language, Damià Pons, Miquela Lladó and the Quart Creixent bookstore.

Sa Xerxa With the Santa Anneta Award, Titoieta Ràdio wants to highlight the work carried out by Sa Xerxa to spread a quality culture among children and young people, ensuring that the shows reach all corners of our islands and at the same time promoting the cultural industry of Balearics.


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