Bòtil 2020, the Balearic Theatre and Literature Productions Competition, is now open


A new edition of the ‘Bòtil’, the theatre and literature production competition, promoted by Sa Xerxa de teatre infantil i juvenil de les Illes Balears with the sponsorship of the Conselleria de Presidència, Cultura i Igualtat and the collaboration of the Ajuntament de Sant Llorenç des Cardassar and the support of Vins Mesquida Mora.

The ‘Bòtil’ competition is designed to promote the creation of small-scale performances based on works of Catalan literature, especially by authors from the Balearic Islands, aimed at children and/or young people, in order to disseminate and promote the performing arts and literature and to create a link between them. The ‘Bòtil’ is a consolidated event, which is celebrating its 9th edition this 2020 despite the difficulties caused by the health crisis caused by Covid 19.

The competition is open to all professional and/or emerging creators, both local and non-local, and the texts submitted must be written in Catalan and may be unpublished. The stage proposals must be aimed at a children’s and/or young audience and have a maximum duration of 50 minutes. They may not have been previously represented or awarded prizes. Furthermore, it will be valued that the texts undertaken are entirely by authors from the Balearic Islands and that the representation is adaptable to any space, as well as being able to adapt the contents to the school curriculum. The creators have until 20 August to submit their proposals.


The competition is divided into 4 phases that include the presentation of a play or stage proposal; an exhibition of the work in progress in Sant Llorenç des Cardassar; a final at the same venue; a tour of different venues of the winning show.


The jury will be made up of: a representative appointed by Sa Xerxa de teatre infantil i juvenil de les Illes Balears, Javier Matesanz, critic of performing arts, Rafel Duran, stage director, Jaume Miró representing AELC, a person nominated and/or chosen from among the ESADIB teaching staff, Albert Pujol, director of Litterarum, a representative of Tantàgora/Flic (Festival de literatura i arts infantil i juvenil), Carlota Oliva on behalf of the Fundació Mallorca Literària. Cases Museu de Mallorca, a person proposed by the Conselleria de Presidència, Cultura i Igualtat. A member of Sa Xerxa will act as secretary.




In the years of its existence, the Bòtil has promoted new theatre values and bold and quality stage proposals that have obtained great projection abroad (Fira de Tàrrega, Mostra d’Igualada, programmes all over the world, etc.).


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