The Festival of childresn’s theater in Maó grows up.


From 22nd to 24th April, the Teatre Principal de Maó opens its doors to some of the most award-winning shows in national performing arts competitions for children.
The creation of new audiences, the promotion of theatre as an educational resource and the promotion of family entertainment are among the objectives of the festival.

The Maó Children’s Theater Festival will be celebrating its tenth edition with a programme that includes up to seven performances that will combine entertainment and education in equal parts.

The cultural event organised by the Teatre Principal de Maó, Maó Town Hall and the Xarxa de Teatre Infantil i Juvenil de les Illes Balears (Children’s and Youth Theatre Network of the Balearic Islands) will maintain its commitment to quality and, following the dynamic of previous editions, will include shows that have won awards in prestigious national competitions, such as the FETÉN and Lorca Awards.

The social aspect will also continue to be one of the hallmarks of the festival. Proof of this is the collaboration that, for yet another year, will be established with different social entities in the municipality, as well as the programming of some activities in the children’s schools of Maó and Sant Climent.

When shaping each new edition of the Festival de Teatre Infantil de Maó, the organisers keep in mind the objectives that have been at its base from the beginning: to create new audiences, to promote theatre as an educational resource and to offer moments of leisure to share with the family, as well as to facilitate access to the performing arts for children regardless of their social and economic circumstances.

The festival is organised in collaboration with Ciutats Amigues de la Infància, the Consell Insular de Menorca, the Fundació Foment del Turisme de Menorca, the Fundació Rubió, Trasmed, Baleària, Obra Social La Caixa, Hevresac, Anirà Bé. Hotels and Apartaments and Grupo Tecnográfico.

Tickets and subscriptions

The Teatre Principal de Maó has three season tickets on sale at a special price: the XL season ticket to see four shows for only 22 euros; the L season ticket to see three shows for only 18 euros; and the M season ticket to see two shows for 14 euros. The single price per show will be 8 euros for children and 9 euros for adults. Tickets can be purchased on the website of the Principal ( and at the box office from today, 22 March.

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This activity is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Sa Xerxa The Maó Children's Theater Festival will be celebrating its tenth edition with a programme that includes up to seven performances that will combine entertainment and education in equal parts.


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