Children’s Theater in Palma: “La Mongeta Màgica” Comes to Neighborhood Centers


In the context of promoting the Catalan language, several children’s performances of “La Mongeta Màgica” by the company Festuc Teatre will be held in Palma.

The performances will take place at the following locations and times:

  • October 23rd, at 17:30 at the Casal de Barri de Son Roca.
  • October 24th, at 17:30 at the Casal de Barri de Sant Jordi.
  • October 25th, at 17:30 at the Casal de Barri des Jonguet (Moli).

All performances are free, but require prior registration via email at

This initiative, titled “Bringing Theater to the Neighborhood Centers of PALMA,” is supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sports, the Balearic Islands Institute of Studies, the Palma City Council, the Balearia Foundation, and managed by Sa Xerxa.


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